The essential aim of a job interview is to find out what kind of person a candidate is, what their personality is and how they come across face to face. If only…
Many organisations have problems nowadays finding people with the necessary…
Managers often cooperate closely with the HR department in questions of…
Although Czechoslovakia has been divided for more than a quarter of a…
As the job market continues to develop, so too does the structure of the…
“Team player”. A typical requirement in ads for any kind of job vacancy.…
You do not learn much about a person from a CV as it has a fairly strictly…
There are many types of marketing. Among other things, advertisements can…
In the vast majority of cases, employers require candidates for a job…
Every company relies on its top employees. From an HR point of view, your…
There are certain jobs that no school or previous work experience can…
As the job market develops, more and more employees are choosing their…
As IT technologies continue to develop, managers today can often do without…