Automation and robotics. Two major themes that dominate working life. Advocates of artificial intelligence believe it is an opportunity for the new economy and new…
Working in customer service, just like any job which involves work with…
Are you building an HR department from scratch within your company? Are you…
A working environment must motivate employees to give of their best. A…
Retaining employees means, among other things, offering them a quality…
Well set-up work processes and a company culture in similar vein will…
One of the most common reasons for employees changing jobs nowadays is…
Mutual trust, creativity and a feeling of togetherness. All this helps…
Many people believe leaders are born, not made. But this is not true. Many…
A happy employee is loyal to the company and, moreover, works much better…
It is employees who make up a company. Without their satisfaction and high…
Keeping quality employees and having them fulfil their work potential is…
From time to time, everyone needs help with motivation and the same goes…