Human resources – HR news

Using praise as a successful motivational tool

If you ask managers and HR specialists what keeps employees at work and what motivates them to give of their best, the first things they will probably think of are a…

Talent management: the difference between commanding and coaching

One of the main aims of HR departments is to establish internal company…

Millennials are hard to get along with, according to statistics

Millennials, also known as "Generation Y", are young people born between…

Achieve higher performance and longer tenures

Many organisations have problems nowadays finding people with the necessary…

Membership of one employee in more teams: pros and cons

The expression "multi-team membership" has begun to appear a lot lately in…

Beware of creative employees: they might take too many risks

In the case of the vast majority of employees, creativity is a desirable…

What should a new employee's first day at work look like?

Onboarding, namely the welcoming of a new employee at a company, their…

Five signs that an employee wants to leave your company

There is a current shortage of good workers and companies fight for the…

Workplace well-being: designing a programme of physical and mental health

The current trend in HR and company culture is comfort of employees and…

What good workers love and bad workers hate

The task of employees is to create value for their employer. Besides having…

How to prevent employees feeling isolated

One of the many common ailments of the modern age, affecting people both at…

Five steps towards more productive mornings

The way we step into a new day determines how that whole day will turn out,…

6 steps towards mastering the art of giving feedback

Within HR, management and team leadership, giving feedback is a crucial…

Listing 144 to 156 out of 922