The definition of autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, repetitive patterns of behavior and impaired communication…
The Czech Republic ranks among the three countries in Europe with the…
Pride, greed, envy, wrath, lust, gluttony and sloth. These are the so-…
The British government has made public a preliminary consultation of its…
Last year, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) issued…
The technology sector is looking for various ways to attract and retain…
Research shows that leadership development will be one of the top strategic…
Recruiting is like fishing. You can make excuses for a lack of fish but the…
Many companies are hesitant to admit that their employee performance…
The number of organisations able to implement internal communication…
When evaluating talent for the purposes of recruitment or employee…
We recently wrote about why job hopping may not be a bad thing, but an…
Do you think that the youngest generation of employees, the so-called…