Human resources – HR news

Test: Are you an employer of choice?

An employer of choice is an employer whose working conditions and culture can attract the best employees who will fit in well at the company. This kind of employer…

Internal communication: 4 steps to increase employee engagement

Your company has a high turnover and high levels of absenteeism. Your staff…

Study: Digital footprint shows the best job applicants

Computers can predict our personality traits and behaviour much better than…

Do not overestimate experience

Job seekers' experience in a particular field is certainly important.…

Článek v rámci předplatného How to integrate corporate culture in recruiting

Every company has a culture, a set of common values and behaviors that make…

Článek v rámci předplatného Tips for more effective recruitment in 2015

The new year is in full swing and so are new challenges for your…

Expecting too much from big data?

Over the last hundred years, the world of work has changed a lot. People…

Basic mistakes in employee training

There is always room for improvement in employee training and development.…

Článek v rámci předplatného What do successful candidates ask at job interviews?

If you are a job seeker, the impression you make during an interview can be…

LinkedIn's Global Recruiting Trends for 2015

The world of recruitment is changing rapidly. The current changes relate…

Dave Ulrich on rating firms' leadership capital

Leadership in firms should be measured in the same way as their credit…

The workforce crisis of 2030

By 2030, the number of jobs in the world's largest economies will exceed…

Shared maternity leave started in the UK

The law on sharing maternity leave, the so-called Shared Parental Leave…

Listing 430 to 442 out of 922