A good recruiter knows that the best candidates are neither those who can best present themselves, nor those with the best education, skills and long experience.…
How does Google manage talent? We can learn something really surprising…
Entering a new role always involves feeling pressure and stress,…
A good HR department does not rely on money or other resources provided by…
Even if a lot of candidates who look great "on paper" apply for jobs at…
Is a leadership development program worth your investment? How can…
Every senior HR professional should know the answers to the questions that…
In the first part of the article on the problems that can occur in 360-…
Information technology plays a critical role in business today and…
We have recently published several articles on the growing number of people…
The purpose of 360-degree feedback is for employees to be evaluated not…
British billionaire and owner of the Virgin brand - which includes hundreds…
What are the biggest mistakes companies make when identifying and…