Human resources – HR news

What should HR professionals not apologize for?

HR professionals often apologize for things that they could not influence or that they did legitimately but the people around them forced them to feel guilt for it.…

Symptoms of unhealthy corporate culture

While your employees may look happy you surly know that impressions can be…

Study: Global challenges of virtual workers

87% of office employees in multinational companies around the world perform…

Článek v rámci předplatného Workplace friendships have their own rules

Every day, we spend more time with colleagues in the workplace than with…

Článek v rámci předplatného Study: Norway is the best country for mothers

The best conditions for mothers in the world are in Norway, the worst in…

Článek v rámci předplatného How to handle the first week after returning from maternity leave

Returning to work from maternity leave or a long period spent at home with…

Basic rules of internal communication

Internal communication specialists often solve multiple tasks at once and…

30 benefits of employee referral programs

There is no stronger tool in recruiting than employee referral programs (…

Transforming HR - who, what how and why

How to build a model of successful HR transformation in an organization?…

Beware of the succession planning miskates

Succession planning is one of the current HR management priorities…

Unilever bets on flexible working

"Agile Working"- that's the name of the concept of flexible workplace…

Can HR be agile?

The concept of agile HR is based on the popular concept of agile software…

Magda Chvalinová, INSIDERS

Článek v rámci předplatného 5 steps to engage middle management in internal communication

Střední management je jedním z nejdůležitějších elementů firmy, zejména v…

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