The LinkedIn social network doesn't want to be just a place where people connect with their business contacts or look for jobs. It's striving to be the place where…
The German internet telephone services provider Sipgate based in Düsseldorf…
In the middle of last year, Microsoft bought the LinkedIn professional…
Soft skills, such as communication, relationship building, leadership, or…
There's nothing wrong with hiring average job seekers. However, if you're a…
The success of strategic recruitment and HR planning today is a matter of…
Both research and experience confirm that investing in the right people…
Job offers should provide people with basic information clearly about what…
Many applications for video calls have been created in the last few years.…
Cooperation of recruiters and hiring managers is not always easy but, since…
Recruiters devote an enormous amount of time to studying LinkedIn profiles,…
It is by no means unusual for recruiters to experience disappointment in…
The importance of company culture should not be underestimated. Of course,…