Five years ago, SAP launched its unique Autism at work programme to employ people with autistic spectrum disorders and enrich its ranks with new ways of thinking and…
Onboarding is the process of welcoming new employees, introducing their…
Building an employer's brand is certainly not pointless. Whether you're…
Innovation in companies is not just a matter of product development teams.…
Financial results or the quality of the goods and services provided no…
If you are applying for a job, there are three areas where you must perform…
If you are about to be interviewed for your dream job, it is obvious you…
It is well known that the costs associated with poorly selected employees…
Recruitment in times of economic prosperity is more demanding than ever.…
The current favorable economic situation is ideal for startups. An…
Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and EU Council, also known…
Companies that are able build a reputation as places where people want to…
Virtual reality is not just fun and gaming. It's also used for educational…