Human resources – HR news

Článek v rámci předplatného Are you too affected by your job?

All of us suffer from a professional affliction to a certain degree. However, the question is: When is it too much? Recently on people…

Článek v rámci předplatného Dismissed employees do not care about how you feel

Letting people go is never a pleasant experience. However, if you fire…

Make your job in HR more secure

The fact that you currently have a good job in HR does not mean that you…

How to use viral marketing in recruitment

If a recruiter wants to fully exploit the opportunities of searching for…

Článek v rámci předplatného Do not reject introverted salespeople

The prevailing image of a successful businessman is an energetic, talkative…

How (not) to make a bad impression on newcomers

The first days in a new job are critical for new employees in terms of…

How to provide feedback to job applicants

Today, the majority of companies have no formal process of providing…

7 Questions That Must Be Asked Before Announcing Vacancies

7 Questions That Must Be Asked Before Announcing Vacancies

When selecting suitable candidates for a certain position, the HR manager…

Are your leaders emotionally intellingent?

The vast majority of top managers have high emotional intelligence (EI).…

Discussion groups focused on recruitment: Things to avoid

Recruiters or recruitment agencies looking for new employees for their…

Why are great recruiters so successful?

Why are great recruiters so successful?

Posting a job offer on the Internet and waiting for CVs to come in is…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Are you ready for coaching?

Coaching is not only popular, but also a very effective tool for personal…

6 tips on improving the hiring process

How effective do newly hired employees prove themselves to be in the new…

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