Human resources – HR news

UK: Quotas for women on boards of financial companies are to come

London's City regulators have decided to promote the introduction of mandatory quotas of female representation on corporate boards, as reported on the British People…

Článek v rámci předplatného He's not yours yet

You have acquired a great employee and you are happy how you managed to…

Exit interview in eight steps

Exit interviews do not rank among the most popular activities of HR…

Článek v rámci předplatného Are you prejudiced regarding handshakes?

Most job interviews start with a handshake. In addition to a candidate's…

Článek v rámci předplatného Are you wasting your time when recruiting passive candidates?

During their hunt for the best talent, many companies still have not…

Video interviews can damage both candidates and employers

Job applicants who are interviewed via video conferences are generally…

Should you remain silent?

Why do the vast majority of rejected job applicants receive no feedback?…

Článek v rámci předplatného LinkedIn's Global Recruiting Trends for 2013

The world of recruitment is changing very rapidly with the use of social…

How to attract suitable candidates for the vacancies in your company

During the process of recruiting it is not only important that the…

Článek v rámci předplatného HR revolution: What are the modern tools in HR practice?

Mobile applications, social networks and other media... It is not easy to…

3 tips on how to conduct video interviews

Job seekers are not the only ones who need to make a good impression during…

How to prepare for a younger recruiter

At a certain point, in most careers, we can assume, with certainty, that if…

Článek v rámci předplatného Why it is worth to hire someone who does not fit

There are plenty of studies describing the inability of new employees to…

Listing 560 to 572 out of 788