Controversy was provoked by the idea of the American Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH) advertising agency to employ homeless people as living carriers of the wi-fi signal.…
Number of women on boards of the largest companies listed on the London…
One year after EU Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding called for self-…
Flexible working hours. That is the main reason why dissatisfied employees…
Hundreds of leading female journalists demand compulsory introduction of…
"HR and marketing, as business functions, have a lot more in common than…
In 2011, the total number of job offers published on the Czech job portal…
What can multinational companies do to align their policies for sending…
Filling managerial posts involve many dangers. The first one is the…
Brett Minchington, the CEO of Employer Brand International, took part in…
Up to £2,257 for each newly recruited employee aged 18 to 24 years.…
Firing employees is hard but it is always harder to be fired. HR should…
You offer great jobs in great company with great financial rewards and your…