Human resources – HR news

Good recruitment requires instinct

The smaller the company, the more important is it to recruit the right people. therefore warns about the most common causes of poor recruitment in small…

What lies ahead for recruitment in 2012?

What lies ahead for recruitment in 2012?

The way people think about work has changed in the past two years. People…

Článek v rámci předplatného How to return after a career break

Relaunching professional career after an extended break is a very… and part of a Finish media group

LMC, the operator of two leading Czech online recruitment portals (www.…

Best practices in leadership development

During this year, the world's leading media focused on management have paid…

Článek v rámci předplatného LinkedIn: Most common cliches in online CVs 2011

Professional social network LinkedIn has now more than 135 million users…

Forecast: 10 trends in recruitment and talent management for 2012

Článek v rámci předplatného Forecast: 10 trends in recruitment and talent management for 2012

While 2011 was the year of social media, 2012 will be the year of the…

Článek v rámci předplatného 12 mistakes in the search for managers

Regardless of the current high rate of unemployment many companies still…

Článek v rámci předplatného Study: Global trends in hiring at professional and managerial level (December 2011)

Global labour market for managers and professionals holds up well despite…

5 tips for managers: How to handle layoffs of employees

Layoffs are not pleasant for anybody. The ability to fire employees is,…

Recruitment as a partnership with managers

Recruitment as a partnership with managers

Recruiters should be real partners of managers who need to find suitable…

Článek v rámci předplatného How to use QR codes in recruitment

QR codes are two-dimensional square-shaped codes allowing rapid…

The first site offering jobs on Google +

Článek v rámci předplatného The first site offering jobs on Google +

Soft drinks producer PepsiCo is the first company to advertise vacant…

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