Pub quiz
According to the HubSpot blog, the first possible game is a pub quiz consisting of simple questions which participants can answer in groups. The topics might concern mostly pop culture. You could also focus on the history of your company or the field in which you do business.
"I have never ..."
Another game is for everyone to form a circle with one person in the middle who says, "I have never ..." and reveals something they have never done in their life, such as: "I have never flown a helicopter." People who have done this activity will run to the centre of the circle, then look for an empty spot from which someone else has run out. The last one to stay in the middle then says what they have never done.
Introducing each other
Divide the participants into random pairs and let them talk about each other. Afterwards, it is the task of individual participants to introduce the other person from the pair.
Two truths and a lie
In this game, one person stands in front of the others and says three things about him- or herself. Two of these things are true and one is a lie. Participants then have to guess which of the three things is false.
Who am I?
Every person gets a paper glued to their back where the name of a historical or culturally significant person is written. Everyone then has to pair up and use "yes" and "no" questions to find out who that person is.