The best source of high-performing new hires are recommendations made by existing best employees. In second place are employees who have already worked for you in…
Zappos, the online retailer, employing approximately 1,500 people, selling…
LinkedIn has begun aggregating job offers from (as yet) U.S. employers. It…
The inability or unwillingness of employees to retrain and acquire new…
80% of financial and human resources directors are of the opinion that they…
Is the use of video in job advertising only a passing fad? John Sullivan,…
Ulrich Comes of Age. This is the title of a study undertaken by the British…
Online video is a powerful communication tool for both employers and job…
Donald L. Kirkpatrick, the author of a globally successful concept, a four-…
Bertrand Dussert works for Oracle, as a HR transformation and executive…
The last year's Gallup study entitled State of the Global Workplace, which…
"The things you can always count on in life: death, taxes and lousy HR…
A recent survey by The Corporate Executive Board Co. showed that…