Why do the vast majority of rejected job applicants receive no feedback? This question remains unanswered despite being asked by people almost every day. That is why…
The world of recruitment is changing very rapidly with the use of social…
Human Resource Champions, The HR Value Proposition, HR from the Outside In…
External Focus is just something for the sales team correct? This…
Mobile applications, social networks and other media... It is not easy to…
In the last five years, decisions on human capital in companies have been…
Visitors to the largest HR conference in the world, the Annual Conference…
Large companies commonly use social networks for recruitment. Their HR…
Czech employers are interested in the so called childrens groups and also…
Buying technologies for the management of human resources is becoming…
Similar to HR's fight today, marketing has been fighting, in recent years, …
Ineffective recruiters often make excuses that there are no suitable…
This time on his Success in HR blog, the former Vice President of HR at…