Human resources – HR news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Even blue-collar workers can work flexible hours

BAE Systems is Europe's largest armament concern. Its Naval Ships division manufactures warships such as the newest aircraft carrier of the British Royal…

Measuring employee morale twice monthly

Various studies have revealed a connection between having well motivated…

The largest global study of coaching released

There are approximately 53,000 professional coaches worldwide, 90% of whom…

Most companies treat high potentials wrongly

Organisations spend considerable effort and sums of money in order to…

Pokémon Go enters the workplace

Twenty million people are running around the world looking at the screens…

Employees will not stay because of a strong brand or a big salary

Employee engagement is closely related to how staff feel about their work.…

Work in HR is damned hard

Why do you want to work in HR? Many people answer this question by saying…

How to start a transformation of your HR department

An HR manager entering a new workplace rarely thinks that in the given…

Robert Hogan on Management TV: True leadership is not a matter of politicking or charisma

icon Robert Hogan on Management TV: True leadership is not a matter of politicking or charisma

Robert Hogan is president and founder of Hogan Assessment Systems as well…

Internal communication: Basics that are often forgotten

Communication plays a major role in the overall well-being of every team…

Study: Good bosses can't retain good employees

It is often said that employees leave companies mainly because of bad…

Study: Global HR management trends in 2016

Significant changes in digital technologies, the speed of innovation and…

Leaders Driven Forum: Be Inspired by the Leadership of Future

What makes a leader? What decides who will be professionally successful?…

Listing 105 to 117 out of 246