Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Why leaders tend to micromanage?

Micromanagement is a trap which repeatedly catches leaders. The solution may take some time, but the…

How to ruin a meeting at the very beginning

Regardless of whether you are leading a meeting with a business partner, colleagues or someone else,…

What is the atmosphere like in your company?

Sharing, passive, aggressive... Yes, those are the types of internal cultures that prevail in today'…

Do you set a good example for others?

Promises, promises. Have you ever heard your employees say this as an assessment of the managerial…

Do you want too much from your people?

Managers who have unrealistic expectations are, of course, stressing their subordinates. And the…

Study: Eye contact may backfire on you

Each training in presentation skills teaches about the importance of eye contact between a speaker…

When an employee faces personal problems

A useful article published by Salesopedia server deals with the difficult situation of a manager or…

How to lead Generation Y?

Generation of lazy narcissists, iGeneration, Millennials or simply those born between 1982 and 2000.…

Three common tips for cooperative leadership

While negotiating the needs of many different managers and still delivering your work is…

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