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The ability to organise one's own time is one of the most basic skills of any manager. If you are disorganised yourself, you can hardly manage projects and other…
A manager should be able to persuade other people. You should be able to…
As a manager, you are probably wondering how best to lead your…
One of the main things any manager has to be able to do is convey a…
In order to motivate subordinates, managers need to show a clear interest…
Self-confidence plays a vital role in success in a managerial role. If you…
Professional and self-development literature often suggests that higher…
Having the opportunity to expand your team is usually good news: it means…
The ideal worker is one who works efficiently and constantly. Is this…
Every manager should strive to gain the trust of their subordinates. Why?…
What is self-love? It is the act of being friendly, helpful and…
Employee performance depends largely on how happy people are at work. And…
Acquiring companies is a standard part of portfolio expansion and strategic…