Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Transformational change needn't be a nightmare

The ability to adapt to customer needs and market changes is closely related to how quickly companies can grow and achieve higher profits. How specifically can we…

icon 4 principles for high integrity

As business professionals, it's so easy to get caught up in anticipating…

icon Are you wasting your most productive years? Find your dream job at last

Finding the perfect job is a challenge that can persist throughout our…

icon Criticism? Let me have it!

Negative feedback creates a feeling of insecurity and sometimes even fear.…

icon I'm sorry, but...

Managers have already accepted that an apology is not a weakness. It may be…

icon Is your business next to be hit by digital disruption?

During the last ten years, one industry after another has been disrupted by…

icon Do you like shopping? Achieving your dreams is way better

Both society and traditional politics tell us that the more you buy and…

icon Drinks to end a business lunch

A business lunch (if it's not an everyday lunch with your workmates) is…

icon Never mind your lack of self-confidence

Many people who have just been promoted or been put in charge of a major…

icon Sell value, not price

Value selling is, in other words, offering your customer value. Your…

icon Never say to yourself “I don’t want to fail.”

Never say to yourself "I don't want to fail"; instead say "I want to be…

icon Stop polluting your organisation with e-mails

Thierry Breton is a French entrepreneur, former Harvard Business School…

icon Don’t be afraid of networking: there are many options

Building networks is part of running a business. The Internet has made…

Listing 1691 to 1703 out of 3329