Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Breakthrough customer experience: It is not about small steps (2/3)

In the last article, we saw how important it is to thoroughly observe customers, their habits, their needs and the obstacles they face. Now we will see how important…

icon Business meetings: Leave your cleavage and perfume for your night out

Whether you are going to attend a business meeting, a job interview, a…

icon Marshall Goldsmith: Leaders must be self-confident

Strong leaders believe in themselves and exude confidence. How can you…

icon Do not make a new manager's typical mistakes

First-time managers - and unfortunately sometimes even those who are…

icon Breakthrough customer experience: You need the right approach (1/3)

If you want to deliver superior customer experience, you have to adapt to…

icon Why do you procrastinate?

Everyone occasionally postpones execution of a task. If, however, such a…

icon Decide before it's too late

Does it take you a long time to make decisions? You may think that you don'…

icon Let your negativity teach you a lesson about life

Being scared and insecure because you experience negative feelings means…

icon Getting rid of the fear of change

Employees' typical response to change is resistance. It is mainly due to…

icon Are you persuasive?

The ability to persuade others is important not only at work but also in…

icon Chief Digital Officers: What is their role? (2/2)

Customer-centric mindset can be effectively promoted by CDOs. Sending e-…

icon Meetings are not monologues

Meetings are often just a waste of time because they do not have clearly…

Linking individual shift and of the organizational shift: Actual examples (2/2)

icon Linking individual shift and of the organizational shift: Actual examples (2/2)

Quarterly profits are no longer an accurate picture of company performance.…

Listing 1886 to 1898 out of 3327