Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Big changes ahead: Getting your staff on board

You dont want employees to view change with confusion and react with fear. You want to mitigate the uncertainty they are feeling. It is not always that your staff is…

icon Confidence is an advantage. Are you self-confident?

Confident people can inspire others and achieve things that others can't.…

icon The basics of delegation for (not only) new managers

Many managers think that productivity means toiling to exhaustion, ten,…

icon Conduct SWOT analysis fast and simply

A SWOT analysis is a structured method used to evaluate the strengths,…

icon Forget about money: Financial motivation doesn't work (1/2)

Financial incentives can trigger increased effort when you need your…

icon There are three messages: Before, during and after your speech

Speakers with good manners behave in a way that shows that they respect…

icon The evolution of attitudes to ethics

The website looked at the last four generations and…

icon 7 steps to better relationships at work

Are you not popular at work and would like to change it? After all, you…

icon What to do when a key employee is about to leave you

Top employees and high performers are key to a company's success in any…

icon Restoring purpose to your peoples' lives

Approximately only a third of the people are able to figure out that…

icon Build your reputation without bragging

If you have opportunity to present your own articles in print…

icon Study: What makes a good employee?

What motivates us at work? Surveys show that it is definitely not just…

icon A lesson in emotionally intelligent conversation

The ability to recognize the emotions others are experiencing and take into…

Listing 1990 to 2002 out of 3324