Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon When not to quit your job

You are not satisfied in your current job and are consider quitting. Have you, however, considered all the reasons to stay? A hasty decision may be a bad one. Let's…

icon Want to become a coach? Time to reset your habits

To be an effective coach is an admirable goal for every manager. The…

icon 5 steps that inevitably lead to success

There are some common traits of highly successful people. The…

icon What some top CEOs think about themselves

Many love to talk and write about CEOs, but what do they say about…

icon Leader in the shadow of a bad boss

How can I be a good leader when I have bad superiors? This question affects…

icon Three antidotes for anger

Anger can make you feel miserable. Getting angry and screaming at somebody…

icon Learn to invest your time, not to manage it

Effective time managers focus on priorities while not being perfectionists.…

icon How to write real performance expectations

Following these simple steps can lead to clear performance expectations. …

icon Study: 5 myths about the youngest generation of workers

Generation Y workers, also known as Millennials (born between 1980-1993),…

icon 5 things you should never delegate

A good leader knows how to delegate. He focuses on tasks nobody can do…

icon Why it is important to please your customers

Every company needs to understand the journey its customers experience.…

icon Should you force employees to be coached?

You have a great employee in your team, but you believe he could be an even…

icon When you need bullet points in a presentation

With bullet points you can build the bigger picture, a simple overview so…

Listing 2185 to 2197 out of 3324