Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Prerequisites for successful thought leadership

A thought leader is a person or an organization perceived as a recognized expert in a certain field. From the point of view of marketing, it is an individual who…

icon Is it really you? The power of authenticity

Express yourself and dont worry about being embarrassed. It is no crime…

icon How philosophy of one man uplift the whole company

Bad decisions made at the top corporate levels can have a crushing impact…

icon 4 games which will boost your team

If you want to help your team bond and enhance morale, it is good…

icon 6 ways to improve your email communication

We write emails every day, it's part of our daily routine. We have…

icon What you need to know about personal branding

Your personal brand is a crucial element of your career, especially if you…

icon Use nonverbal communication to accomplish your goals

In order to achieve your goal, a mere verbal expression of your demand is…

icon Common weaknesses of experienced managers

Everyone has blind spots, areas where he can improve and increase…

icon Why trash talk is not a viable business strategy

Trash talk is often used in politics, especially in advertisements. In an…

5 tips on how to avoid conflicts

icon 5 tips on how to avoid conflicts

Professional relationships often involve conflicts. We are only human and…

icon What to avoid when starting a business

If an entrepreneur wants to be successful, he must believe in himself as…

icon How to manage change

Initially change ought to be managed differently from the getting back to…

icon How to conduct coaching conversations with employees

"In fact, the most common complaint I hear from direct reports about their…

Listing 2302 to 2314 out of 3324