Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Now (you have to) have fun

When an activity is seen as fun by everybody and there is a choice whether to take part or not, it is good. A sporting event or a picnic usually do no harm. But…

icon Securing full attention during meetings: 3 key elements

When there is a conference call or a meeting taking place, multitasking is…

icon 5 steps to a more strategic managerial work

Every manager does the right things, which is the strategic part of her/his…

icon Emotional intelligence helps in avoiding social media mistakes

Employees at all levels must be able to communicate appropriately with…

icon Avoid breathing down your staff's necks

Giving employees greater scope for independent decision-making means making…

icon Key skills of top mentors

What kind of person should you be if you want be an amazing mentor? What…

icon Prepare yourself for a meeting

Before arriving at a meeting you should know what you want to accomplish.…

icon Become a manager who develops his teammates

Developing employees is a key responsibility of every manager. It is also…

icon A guide for new managers

Treat everyone with respect, be a good listener, learn a consistent way to…

icon Do you really support innovation?

If you ask senior managers whether they encourage risk taking for…

icon Are you always right? This may not be the best thing for you

Try to be aware of your hidden motivations when you feel you must “…

icon 6 characteristics of the most successful executives

Top executives learn how to build coalitions with their peers because…

icon How to admit a mistake and move on

Mistakes happen and today one has just happened to you. It is a serious…

Listing 2367 to 2379 out of 3324