Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Public speaking is not a race

Toastmasters International is a nonprofit organisation whose mission is training communication skills and leadership. It brings together more than 14 thousand…

Can (and should) mentors coach their mentees?

icon Can (and should) mentors coach their mentees?

A mentor is, generally, a specialist with experience in a specific field or…

icon 4 little things that make a manager's job burdensome

It is not only big, global issues that make our lives difficult; sometimes…

icon What to be focused on when evaluating the remote managers

If you have coached your team properly during whole year, performance…

icon Types of CEOs who harm their own companies

On the one hand, CEOs are the most powerful people in their companies, but…

icon Why we should not be inspired by the way football teams are managed

Football does have some lessons to teach managers. Selection of the right…

icon 3 similarities between managers and parents and how to learn from them

Are you going to be a manager? You may be surprised, but this job has lots…

icon Happiness and smiles help your business

Longitudinal studies have recently shown that employees who are truly happy…

icon Mental preparation for presentations

A well-prepared speech is fundamental to succeeding with a presentation.…

icon 3 habits that help you to advance your team communication

Your career success largely depends on your work habits. You may start your…

icon To promote, or not to promote?

Deciding who is a good candidate for promotion to a managerial position is…

icon How can you become a real leader?

Many great lawyers, engineers, bankers and accountants are promoted simply…

icon Do not ignore depression at the workplace

A study from last year, highlighted by the BBC, found that depression was…

Listing 2380 to 2392 out of 3324