Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon 5 steps to shorter and more successful negotiations

The problem with many negotiations is too much time spent on unimportant matters. Emotions are usually to blame because they overshadow our logical thinking when the…

icon 5 good features of stress

When we write or speak about stress, we usually do so in connection with…

icon Do it now!

We all know those situations when we can't get ourselves to start and…

icon Test: Can you think critically?

Critical thinking is the ability to analyze things from different…

icon Three things managers can learn from a sales team

The president of C-Level Connections described, for the server…

icon Once and for all

What distinguishes successful people from the unsuccessful? Mainly the…

icon Worst practices in customer service

Many articles mention the so-called best practices in customer service, but…

icon Why entrepreneurs should read poems

Not often are these two words, poet and entrepreneur, used in the same …

How to dress for a job interview (2/2)

In the first part of our article on the appropriate clothes for a job…

icon Narrowing the gap between career and dreams

An extraordinary career is not something that happens by accident. If you…

icon Three tips for more effective communication

There are three key points in listening to others: a high level of rapport…

icon Body language reveals liars

The Body Language of Liars. This is the title of a book written Lillian…

icon How to handle criticism

Being able to respond to criticism of is one of the basic leadership…

Listing 2445 to 2457 out of 3323