Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Six "NO-NOs" of business networking

Are you one of those people who do not like building relationships with strangers at social events very much? Then you should know that networking masters do not…

icon 8 examples of a leader's instinct

A leader is someone who stands out even in a crowd full of experienced and…

icon Don't be affected by people with negative attitude

When someone is optimistic, it is much easier for him to answer the…

icon A manager's time is precious; or How not to waste your time

Each manager knows how important it is to know how to set goals. If he…

icon What should you do just before a presentation?

There are only 15 minutes left until your presentation begins. If you have…

icon Charismatic and confident ... or too much so?

The office is also a political arena. If you are popular, then people are…

icon Can you spot a liar?

Each of us encounters up to two hundred lies every day. Therefore, it is…

icon Can you speak like a strong leader?

Appropriate verbal communication is an important prerequisite of successful…

Alpha types: A threat to team cohesion?

icon Alpha types: A threat to team cohesion?

There are two types of competition: a productive one and one that is…

icon Study: Walking boosts creative thinking

In an iconic scene from the Czech film Marecek, Pass Me the Pen! a…

icon Are you a leader, or only a manager?

Becoming a manager is often not particularly difficult. Just spend a…

icon Improve your voice

It is definitely possible to do something with your voice. The…

icon What should every manager know about their project?

You are responsible for a project and you take it for granted that no one…

Listing 2523 to 2535 out of 3323