Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Brian Tracy: Personal qualities of a successful leader

Have you ever wondered what makes some people great leaders? Why are others excited with their performance and willing to follow them? What are their qualities in…

icon Are you ready for coaching?

Coaching is not only popular, but also a very effective tool for personal…

icon Do you want to increase your productivity? Then leave

No, we really are not advising you to change your job. However, you surely…

icon Why are they silent?

Managers often complain that their people are silent…

icon When to say "no"

There is one given which applies to communicating with superiors or…

icon Do your subordinates trust you?

You surely know the situation as an employee. You have a boss who makes…

icon 5 steps to a healthy brain and a better career

The findings of contemporary neuroscience now show that the human brain is…

icon LinkedIn's CEO on keeping e-mail under control

If you want to receive fewer e-mails, write fewer e-mails. This is the…

How to conduct coaching dialogues with employees

icon How to conduct coaching dialogues with employees

The so-called coaching approach to managing people is a common part of…

icon How appreciation can encourage innovation

Appreciative Inquiry is the method of introduction of organizational…

icon When a new boss arrives

Most people do not work under only one boss for long. Bosses come and go…

icon How to gain popularity and respect of your colleagues

It is great for every office when there is a person who can make others'…

Richard Páleník

icon The sad state of customer orientation in the developed world

Firms – even those in the developed world – are increasingly losing their…

Listing 2770 to 2782 out of 3323