Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Why do your colleagues not like you?

Is it just a silly popularity contest? Are you popular among your colleagues? If not, it might be time to think about the possible causes. The HR Communication…

icon How to survive a boss with unrealistic demands

Each job is sometimes demanding. However, if your boss is overly demanding…

icon Are you really a team player?

Most people say they are good team players. In fact, however, all of us…

icon How to learn from a failed project

Managers responsible for failed projects naturally tend to pass their…

icon Inspiration for anti-bribery training

Are your employees facing an increased risk of corruption? Then you…

icon Guy Kawasaki: If you want to speak, you must have something to say

A recent Guy Kawasaki's article entitled "How to Get a Standing Ovation"…

icon Project manager's daily bread

What should project managers do every day? This question has recently been…

icon Don't worry to do nothing

Most managers think they cannot afford to do nothing. After all, even doing…

Five tips on how to induce a positive working atmosphere

icon Five tips on how to induce a positive working atmosphere

A hostile environment and stuffy like before a storm. Such an atmosphere…

icon Each "no" moves you forward

There is no doubt that rejections are unpleasant, which is why we all…

icon What reason for leaving your job is serious enough?

From time to time, everybody is thinking about changing his or her job.…

icon The golden rules of feedback

Yes, giving feedback is difficult especially if we need to criticize…

icon Study: The impact of using electronic devices on our confidence

Our body posture when working with mobile phones, tablets and computers…

Listing 2809 to 2821 out of 3323