Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Do you want to become a manager? Then you should work on the following traits and skills

Many people dream of becoming managers. If you too are an aspiring leader, you should know there are certain prerequisites to being a manager because there are some…

icon Five habits of an effective manager

Although every team is unique and every manager is different, there are…

icon Communication tips managers wish they had known at the start of their management career

Our articles have often mentioned how communication makes up 90% of a…

icon The most common misconceptions new team leaders have about the management role

Many people dream of becoming a manager and for many workers a managerial…

icon Why managers shouldn't be too friendly with their subordinates

It is certainly advisable to have friendly relations with your team, but…

icon Four compelling reasons why managers should not "kill off" subordinates' ideas

Some managers with a more authoritarian approach to managing people are not…

icon Do you lack the respect of your subordinates? What to do about it

In order to lead subordinates effectively, a manager has to develop a…

icon A good manager cannot be a perfectionist: tips on ridding oneself of perfectionism

Effective people management is impossible if the team leader is a…

icon What you can do if your subordinates are bored and lack motivation

Is your team lacking motivation? Do you feel your subordinates are bored,…

icon Four ways to ensure subordinates are effective problem-solvers

Every manager should try to teach their subordinates to solve problems in…

icon Do you have a know-all in your team? Here is how to handle them

We have all encountered a know-all at some point in our lives: someone who…

icon No more useless meetings: five tips on leading them effectively

Team meetings are a bit like visits to the dentist: nobody likes them very…

icon How to talk to subordinates about mental health and mental hygiene

Mental health has been at the forefront of the minds of HR professionals…

Listing 248 to 260 out of 3323