Manager – management news

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icon Want to be a popular yet effective leader? Here are 10 tips

People management is an art. Some people are born with the qualities and skills needed to do it; most, however, have to learn them. Do you want to become a…

icon Four tips on managing subordinates working from home

Working from home is nowadays the norm for many teams. They operate in the…

icon Obsolete management lessons you should definitely not follow anymore

People management, like all branches of human activity, is constantly…

icon Working from home: four principles for balancing personal life and home office

Since the pandemic, working at least partially from home has become more or…

icon Leading a multi-generational team? Then these four tips are for you

Do you manage a team in which some members belong to the younger generation…

icon Phrases every manager should avoid

Managing people consists of 90% interpersonal communication. While hard…

icon It really works: four techniques to help you get more done in a day

Wondering how to increase your productivity? Do you feel like you are not…

icon Five tips on keeping cool even in a crisis or escalated situation

The true qualities of a manager only become apparent when they and their…

icon Six tips on being a confident leader through body language

The fact that most communication between people takes place on a non-verbal…

icon How to learn from failure in five steps: a technique both managers and subordinates can use

"The road to success is paved with partial failures." You can often read…

icon Boost your productivity: four tips for using short breaks at work

It has been known for some time that working for hours on end without any…

icon How to define team goals so they are actually achieved (and don't just stay on paper)

Every manager should know that without a clearly defined vision and goals…

icon Five management lessons from billionaire Mark Cuban

Mark Cuban is an American entrepreneur, billionaire and philanthropist. He…

Listing 274 to 286 out of 3323