Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Managerial relaxation: basics of a healthy and sustainable working routine for a team leader

Team managers often have many responsibilities: they communicate with both company management and their subordinates, keep an eye on meeting the team's plans, and…

icon Four essential traits of a modern manager

Times keep changing and different things are expected from today's managers…

icon How to be a truly authentic leader: five tips

An effective manager must be able to build relations with subordinates. For…

icon Four signs of burnout: how to protect your subordinates

Burnout syndrome is a serious psychological phenomenon. An employee…

icon For your team to trust you, you must adhere to these four rules

For a team manager to be a truly inspiring leader, their subordinates must…

icon Four things a manager must do to help their team reach its full potential

The main task of a manager is to support the strengths of subordinates and…

icon Stress kills the potential of your team. Four tips on how to eliminate it

A manager should always try to support a sustainable working style of their…

icon Five tips on dealing with a bully in your team

Bullying is not something that happens only at school or kindergarten: very…

icon How a manager can solve a critical situation in four steps

A manager's true qualities only appear when they are faced with a crisis or…

icon Earn the respect of people around you by using these six tips

If you want to achieve a successful career in management, you must…

icon Four good reasons why micromanagement is not a good idea

Micromanagement is a leadership style characterised by the manager…

icon How a manager can support a healthy corporate culture every day

The term "company culture" refers to how people within a company interact…

icon How to increase your team's long-term productivity in three steps

One of the key tasks of a team manager is to bring out the best in their…

Listing 391 to 403 out of 3323