Manager – management news

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Your offer is great but we're rejecting it

Failing in a negotiation because your offer was unrealistic is one thing; however, we may fail even if our offers are reasonable, generous and would ensure a…

icon I came, I presented, I conquered (1/2)

Your mission is clear. You are to have a presentation in front of a…

icon Transformational change needn't be a nightmare

The ability to adapt to customer needs and market changes is closely…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon 5 tricks for a successful public presentation

For a speech or presentation at a conference to engage the audience, it…

icon Sell value, not price

Value selling is, in other words, offering your customer value. Your…

icon No more useless meetings

It will be a waste of time again. But I can't do anything about it, I have…

icon TED-inspired tips to enhance your next presentation

A successful presentation is not about getting everything perfect. It&…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Hey, boss, here I am with the presentation

Presentations to superiors can make even seasoned managers nervous. How…

icon Zero tolerance in project management

A project manager should not only be a manager, but also a leader able to…

icon A CEO's guide to Facebook: Use your profile wisely

Facebook is the world's largest social network. That is why it is also the…

icon Avoid these 4 most common mistakes on LinkedIn

Your presence on the LinkedIn network can be a big advantage for you. It…

icon Defeating procrastination with better time management

Get the toughest task behind you as soon as you can every day. Everything…

icon Reward top performers: it is not only about money

How to reward employees whose performance is above and beyond that of their…

Listing 313 to 325 out of 1035