Manager – management news

icon Get better at putting a name to a face

Names without faces are all too common. In large companies, bosses will never remember names and faces of the people who do the work; it's too hard. It's only…

icon Investment that pays off: Getting rid of digital distractions (2/2)

The previous article explained why even the smallest interruptions are bad.…

icon Maintain the habit of delivering bad news quickly

When you are the one who is responsible for delivering the bad news,…

icon Stop being late for meetings

Even being late by as little as 10 minutes will cascade into considerable…

icon Investment that pays off: Getting rid of digital distractions (1/2)

Say youre working at your computer with your smartphone on the desk. The…

icon How humanitarian sectors are saving money with centralised procurement system

Both the skills and commitment of humanitarian aid workers would be…

icon Negotiating with difficult people: Persuade them with 3 types of phrases

Communicating with some people is simply difficult and it does not matter…

icon Lose your professional reputation on LinkedIn in 5 steps

More than 400 million people, including 934,000 Czechs, have their profiles…

icon Getting your point across: Do people seem not to be listening to you?

Why can people not get their point of view across? Sometimes they just push…

icon Stuck with a bad presentation? How to save yourself

You should always avoid showing someone else's slides when you are…

icon Recognize when to communicate with power or warmth

Do you think that power boost persuasiveness? Well, effective persuasion…

icon High performance: We need honesty at workplace

High performance exists only within a particular context. A gold medal…

icon Persuasive presenting: Make it personal

If your goal is to deliver a relevant message to the people in your…

Listing 326 to 338 out of 1035