The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o. |
Is your organisation guilty of one of the customer experience missteps described below?
Income inequality is to some extent driven by inequalities between firms.…
Are you not sure how to dress for an event where you are to speak in front…
The previous article described how dating apps may not be motivated to…
People make a purchase emotionally but then they need to defend what they…
Matchmaking companies (typically in the online dating industry) charge…
If there is something unique about you, you could and should use it to make…
Very often we don’t really think about whether something we want to do is…
Virtual reality is good not only for video games. Today, VR is a device…
Authenticity is the main aim of all diversity efforts. On the other hand,…
When you look around you during your presentation, don’t just see employees…
Richard Branson, the British billionaire and owner of the Virgin brand…
Have you experienced a team meeting or a conversation where everything…