Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon How does technology lead to increased income inequality? (2/2)

Income inequality is to some extent driven by inequalities between firms. The previous article described how R&D expenditures are concentrated on a relatively…

icon How does technology lead to increased income inequality? (1/2)

The general trend is unmistakable: in 2014, in the US alone, the income…

icon Matchmaking services (2/2): Features of the market

The previous article described how dating apps may not be motivated to…

icon Do you want more sales? Understand your customers’ emotions

People make a purchase emotionally but then they need to defend what they…

icon Matchmaking services (1/2): Why business with love isn’t eager to innovate

Matchmaking companies (typically in the online dating industry) charge…

icon Jewellers: how to succeed on the luxury market

Have you ever wondered how tough life is on the jewellery market? In case…

icon Is your business successful? Use NPS to find out

If you make your customers happy, they may come back. If you make them feel…

icon Go virtual: don’t miss the boat

Virtual reality is good not only for video games. Today, VR is a device…

Eurostat: he European economy since the start of the millennium – a statistical portrait

icon Publication: The European economy since 2000

The European Statistical Office Eurostat has just released a new…

icon Regulation of the tech sector: learn from banks

Until recently, people seemed not to care so much about all the new social…

icon Latest scientific findings on soft skills

Technical knowledge itself isn't usually enough to achieve success. Success…

icon Study: Procurement in 2025

Significant changes in procurement will occur in the years ahead and not…

icon Which industries will die because of lack of customers?

When there is a new generation, things can change. Today, members of…

Listing 157 to 169 out of 620