In the world of entrepreneurship, perfection is not always the most desired goal. It can slow you down and even cripple you. Do take risks, and don’t be afraid…
Today, almost everyone is on Facebook, and almost everyone wants a career,…
People who are not hired receive either no reply to their application or…
Are you an experienced manager who would like to get promoted from middle…
An extraordinary career is not something that happens by accident. If you…
Recommendations on the social network LinkedIn will help you not only when…
If I knew this five years ago, I would have decided differently. Many…
There are already more than 650,000 users of the LinkedIn professional…
Brian Tracy, a motivation guru, suggests that the law of attraction is…
There is nothing worse than a wasted talent. That might be the motto of…
Many problems in our managerial careers are actually our own fault. Neither…
Anyone can make a big mistake at work that can damage his career or even be…
Most managers believe mentoring is a useful personal development and career…