Becoming a manager is often not particularly difficult. Just spend a relevant number of years in a company, be good at your job, and learn to play the company's…
If you would like to progress in your career and get an executive position…
A successful business is not just about money, but also about people - it…
When applying for a new job as a manager or as an experienced professional,…
Are you satisfied with your job, have no personal problems and generally no…
Is it impossible for you to spend two years at a foreign university or to…
During some work weeks you excel and your enthusiasm stimulates your…
Our careers can be self destructed in many ways. The way we think is one of…
You were promoted because you met all the necessary managerial…
"Please, not just another psychologist who is going to talk my ear off."…
Technology, efficiency, process - all these words are certainly well known…
Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand our own emotions and…
When you think you are better than others and you follow your goals and do…