Human resources – HR news

Five myths about HR, talent management and recruitment you should not believe

Just like in any other field, there are certain myths and ideas in HR that are outdated and have long since been proven untrue. Yet some people still believe such…

Five basic factors that impact employee satisfaction

What actually motivates people to work? Surveys show it is not only about…

Five things employees need to reach their full potential

One of the key tasks of the HR department and training specialists is to…

Kimberly Nei, Hogan Assessment Systems

Kimberly Nei, Assessment Systems: Diversity is all about the diversity of people

Every company deals with the issue of talent selection for its teams. To…

Some tips on how to detect a lie when talking to someone

An HR manager often needs to be a bit of a psychologist. They must be able…

Článek v rámci předplatného Six tips on improving employee loyalty at your company

Employee loyalty is a crucial component of any successful company.…

Článek v rámci předplatného Four tips on supporting a healthy company culture

Company culture is a collection of all the unwritten processes and…

How to keep quality employees in technical positions at your company

Given the current situation in the job market and lack of qualified people…

Preventing burnout in employees: how is it done?

Any company should be trying its best to prevent burnout syndrome among…

How to reduce stress levels at the workplace

Every company management, as well as HR specialists responsible for the…

Ryne Sherman, Hogan Assessment Systems

How to create effective teams nowadays?

Ryne Sherman, you are a Senior Scientist at Hogan Assessment Systems…

What do genuinely effective meetings look like?

At many companies, meetings are still synonymous with uselessness, boredom…

Listing 14 to 26 out of 922