Human resources – HR news

What does "social HR" really mean?

Magazines, websites as well as conferences focused on human resources management are increasingly addressing the issue of the so-called social HR or the use of…

Choosing the right trainees

Many companies do not really worry about choosing trainees and students for…

Leadership development starts with measuring

Leadership development has been a strong trend in companies during the…

Only a personalized approach will get you the best employees

Most recruiters do not talk to the best candidates on the market because…

Onboarding process: From schedule to feedback

All of us have experienced how important the first weeks and months in a…

5 steps to a more strategic role of HR in the post-crisis period

The time when the economy is recovering from the recession is the right…

Basic elements of a social intranet

Internal social networks have been emerging increasingly on corporate…

How to promote company culture on the Internet

Company culture is not only a scheme written somewhere on a sheet of paper…

Child groups are heading to the Czech Parliament

At its session on the 22nd May 2013, the Czech government supported the…

SAP launches a global program to hire autistic workers

SAP, the world's leading provider of business information systems, has…

Measure, measure, measure

If human resources want to play a strategic role in a company, they need…

Internship programmes: 10 warning signs

Summer is approaching and with it the time when companies take on an…

Practical tips for returning to work after maternity leave

Returning to work after maternity leave involves sadness and guilt, but…

Listing 612 to 624 out of 922