Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Managers don't make work meaningful, only meaningless

As a manager, you dont have a big role in creating a sense of meaningfulness for your subordinates…

A lie has nervous legs

Although it is hard to accept, even our closest friends and coworkers lie to us on a regular basis.…

Why extraverts suffer under Holacracy (2/2): Strike the right balance

Extraverts and introverts view problems, process information, and make decisions very differently.…

It's sunny and warm outside… but the work has to be done

Summer is usually a time of relaxation, vacations and a slump in productivity. Even though people…

Why extraverts suffer under Holacracy (1/2): Zappos might have got it wrong

If people have to gather and process information, introverts like to think things through and are…

Every presentation needs an element of persuasion

You should be a persuasive presenter. Why? Because, basically, you always need to persuade your…

Don’t criticise or condemn: instead, raise your team’s self-esteem

If your colleagues are more successful than you in some areas, don't hesitate to admire and praise…

Become skilled email sender and don’t upset others

How you communicate by email is important. What you say in your messages can sometimes or, even…

Self-care matters when it comes to professional success

Have you forgotten about yourself? If so, that is bad. Self-care is by no means a luxury: it is a…

Listing 361 to 369 out of 1128