Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon 3 steps for better cybersecurity (1/2): Board directors are responsible

According to estimates offered by various studies, 70-90% of organisations globally lack sufficient cybersecurity. It is important to realise that this is by no…

icon Get hired for a C-suite role: This experience you need in your CV

In a recent article we've seen how hiring a top leader depends on the…

icon How to lay off your colleague (2/2): Last steps

After you have delivered the news of the termination, your job isn't over.…

icon Some surprising tips for being more productive

Bad time management, when you are pressed for time and under permanent…

icon How to frame digitization: Mindsets are important

All companies will soon be engaged in digitization in some way. While Uber…

icon Manager of the year 2025: An expert on people and technology

The world of work is changing. More and more activities are automated…

icon How to fire your colleague (1/2): Delivering the news

An employee usually shouldn’t be surprised by a notice of termination.…

icon Are you ready for a C-suite role?

You need be the right person to get promoted to a C-suite. What does that…

icon How visualization helps reveal actionable insights

Data on its own is often useless to us. We need the data formatted so that…

icon What the most successful people who didn’t go to college would tell you

College education is such an important thing for us. However, we've all…

icon Break bad habits once and for all

Even a small leak will sink a great ship, said Benjamin Franklin. If you…

icon Why managers should care about onboarding

With a little planning and effort, your newcomers can get up to speed very…

icon Can organizational psychologists help your business?

The decision to hire or employ an organizational psychologist depends on…

Listing 1327 to 1339 out of 3331