Manager – management news

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icon Use your vacation to increase your EQ

Can you hardly wait for your vacation, and are you really determined to cut out work and just relax this year? That's great. However, it doesn't exclude the fact…

icon Confirmed: Coffee makes us live longer

Do you start your day with a cup of coffee at home and then feel like…

icon Richard Branson: The 10 commandments of successful entrepreneurship

People achieve great things not because they are don't feel fear, but…

icon Can cross-functional team be high-performing? (2/2): Making it work

In the previous article we examined common pain points. To make teams work…

icon Leaders who are needed for Africa’s dream of a better future

Africa has a problem connected to rapid growth. Its middle class population…

icon Can cross-functional team be high-performing? (1/2): Main pain points

Even when your team consists of smart, creative and driven people, you have…

icon 5 distinctive ways you can improve yourself

Get into the habit of doing something regularly in the morning. Why?…

icon 2 unforced ways to staff development

Teach supervisors in your company to schedule regular meetings with each of…

icon Policies designed to protect profitability can be very costly

The recent violent removal of a customer from a United Airlines …

icon Be humble and embrace your failures

When people are humble, the results of their actions speak for themselves.…

icon Will Uber manage to change its toxic culture? (2/2) Culture leap

Uber clearly needs a cultural shift – particularly in the area of ethical…

icon You can't manage people if you can't manage your time

Managers are very busy. That is why it is very important for them to manage…

icon Lessons from a failing startup

How does one feel if his or her startup fails? It's well …

Listing 1379 to 1391 out of 3331