Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Don't be rude at colleagues from different cultures

Today, we are told to be authentic. How do you adapt? With intercultural relations, it's similar to behaving differently in different situations within our own…

icon Brian Tracy: Great leaders aren’t afraid of the truth

When someone cheats, he may be a winner, but only for a limited period of…

icon Shared experiences (2/2): How to create them

The previous article explained why shared experiences are useful for…

icon How leaders lose their charisma

Charismatic leaders whom people want to follow represent a big advantage…

icon Why shouldn't you want to be perfect?

People who tend towards perfectionism often ask what is wrong with that.…

icon Shared experiences (1/2): A tool for building a high-performing team

In a recent study, participants were given chocolate to taste. If there was…

icon 6 bad habits that managers should stop immediately

The modern age is associated with many risks and civilization diseases…

icon Be the master of - and not a slave to - your own time

Be self-critical and think about things you do that are not really…

icon 5 tips to liven up your presentations

Have you ever wondered how to make your presentations or meetings more…

icon Influencing others: a few tips that work

You have your goal. You know what you want to achieve. That's good. Now you…

icon Foster collaboration by using the threat of radical change

This model can be used when a company needs to shift from developing big…

icon How to prepare strategies that will ultimately be successful

Every strategy must change with the times so that companies don't get stuck…

icon Celebrate when somebody else gets promoted

Do you remember when you heard about someone else’s success? Did you…

Listing 1561 to 1573 out of 3330