Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Four reasons why introverts can make good managers

You most likely imagine a manager as an extroverted person who enjoys giving public speeches, motivating others and is extremely sociable. But even if you are…

icon How managers can work to the maximum without suffering a total collapse

Every ambitious person strives to improve their work performance and…

icon The most common management styles and their pros and cons

If you want your team to be successful (which you undoubtedly do), first…

icon Five steps to ensure you recruit the right people for your team

Choosing a new team member is always hard, and not only because of the…

icon What is meant by a manager being on autopilot and why you must avoid this

What does the phrase "on autopilot" mean with regard to managers? What does…

icon Five tips on winning over a team as their new manager

Becoming the manager of an existing, established team is not easy. The team…

icon Six tips for new managers

Is it your first promotion to a management position? Do you want to start…

icon Five mistakes that can ruin a team's potential

An effective manager should support their team in efficiency and…

icon A manager must prove they have a grit mindset. Some tips on how to build grit

In many ways, a team manager must serve as a role model to their…

icon Nine inspirational quotes from famous people on leadership and work to boost your motivation

We can all use a little motivation every now and then. Therefore, today's…

icon How to set up successfully long-term goals for your team

No one can be successful without an ability to set up goals efficiently and…

icon Five ways to improve your communication this year

Communication skills play a crucial role in the success of a management…

icon How to earn the admiration of others, both at and outside work

Having the respect of subordinates and other people around you helps a…

Listing 326 to 338 out of 3323