Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Don't let ageism prevent you getting a new job

Ageism is a common fear of people with adult children. It can often kick in especially in cases where hiring managers might be 10 years younger than the interviewee.…

icon Tips on successfully starting a business

First of all, if you want to build a business, you need to be an effective…

icon Innovative leaders: new products are not enough

Let’s take a look at why innovative methods must be applied not only in IT…

icon Have you ever exploded at work?

Work can sometimes be stressful and there are moments when we may lose our…

icon Reframe your mindset to become more successful

Mindset is the basis of any success. You need to get your supportive belief…

icon CFO taking on responsibilities of COO: Can it work? (2/2)

The previous article described the role of a COO and why there may be some…

icon Win the mindset game

Many people striving for success just need to acquire a better…

icon Why we shouldn’t glorify failure

Given the pace of change today, probably all of us know that we shouldn’t…

icon Automation: the cure for decision fatigue

Artificial intelligence can help leaders do their jobs better and more…

icon Are you hiring a PR agency? What to look for (1/2)

Many businesses simply cannot afford to have an inhouse team consisting of…

icon Finance and shared services centre: can it work?

To derive maximum value from shared services, leaders of finance…

icon Have a good idea adopted, not rejected

For innovators it is not always easy to have their ideas heard and taken…

icon Workers cum managers will not benefit the company (2/2): What to do about it?

The previous article explained why combining the responsibilities of…

Listing 950 to 962 out of 3324