Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon How to build trust – and why we should do so

Think about the start of a new relationship: how do we behave? Some people trust others until something happens that persuades them not to do so. Others distrust…

icon Leadership is about self-awareness and connecting with others

Leadership is very often about getting others to push their limits. If you…

icon Reshape your negative thought patterns

Some of our thoughts frequently recur, even on a daily basis. If these…

icon Agile iterations: maybe the cycles at your company should be longer

The Agile approach to software development is based on short iterations and…

icon What will you gain from Managerial Economics within US-MBA program at VUT?

Managerial Economics “addresses the larger economic and market forcesthat…

icon A step backwards may lead to great progress

We need solid foundations on which to build our lives. This applies also in…

icon Become a better business leader

Do you want to become a better business leader? If so, world-famous speaker…

icon Personal space: how to respect it

Personal space is a key component of all our relationships. Once we fully…

icon Family businesses (2/2): The importance of institutionalisation to family businesses

The previous article described some differences between old and young…

icon How CFOs can lead digital transformation (2/2)

The previous article mentioned four roles CFOs can take on to help their…

icon How CFOs can lead digital transformation (1/2)

There are four ways in which CFOs can be catalysts of digital…

icon Don’t be swallowed up by change: instead, be part of it

Engage in change at your company and make a real difference. The best way…

icon Success may not bring happiness: so be happy now (2/2)

The previous article suggested we should forget the common perception that…

Listing 976 to 988 out of 3324