Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Workers cum managers will not benefit the company (1/2)

Workers cum managers are employees responsible for supervising others, but at the same time they also do the standard job of a qualified worker.

icon The kind of people a new startup needs

What kind of people are essential as startup hires? Many founders are where…

icon Product manager and product owner (2/2): Why you need both

The previous article described the job of a product manager. Now let’s see…

icon Everyone should understand the basic principles of corporate finance

When talking about value creation, you need to focus on what has direct…

icon Product manager and product owner (1/2): Do you know the difference?

In order to have successful products, you need both these roles. But there…

icon Tips on staying focused during a presentation (2/2)

The previous article explained that when we are presenting, personal…

icon Tips on staying focused during a presentation (1/2)

While delivering a speech, it is easy to become distracted, regardless of…

icon What you are focusing on?

We often focus on something we dislike or are not satisfied with. We think…

icon Use the power of gratitude to be more successful in your career

Express gratitude more often. A good idea – but how to go about…

Online recenze.

icon Businesses not using the potential of online reviews of products and services

Most people today order some things online. Whether it be food,…

icon Angel investors: which is the right one?

When young entrepreneurs want to start up a new business, they often go to…

icon How to rediscover enthusiasm for work

Marie Kondo, a Japanese tidying guru, has some advice that can be well…

icon Are subordinates trying to sabotage your efforts, or is it something else?

Do you know which simple piece of advice could save many a manager? More…

Listing 963 to 975 out of 3324