Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Change the way you think about time

Do you always have the feeling that you dont have enough time? Then its time to change the way you think about your time. Focus on the following ways of looking at…

10 tips on how to avoid layoffs

icon 10 tips on how to avoid layoffs

Many companies choose layoffs as a clear way to reduce costs. And yet there…

icon Getting ready for the first three months in a new job

The first three months in a new workplace decide your future success at the…

icon No place for egos in a team

Do you want to improve the way people in your team work together and for…

Why should you use an external facilitator?

icon Why should you use an external facilitator?

The role of a facilitator is to chair discussions at a meeting or other…

How to encourage your best employees?

icon How to encourage your best employees?

In most companies, 80% of total output is produced by only 20% of…

icon Why do your subordinates think you are a bad boss?

Employees often complain about bad bosses. Hiwever, it is interesting that…

icon What should every manager be prepared for?

People who are just beginning in their role as a manager are often not…

icon Expressing criticism is not enough

A lot has already been written about feedback. In your practice, you were…

The Basics of Communicating Change

icon The Basics of Communicating Change

The less people know, the worse it is. This is the basic rule of…

icon Do you really know your priorities and engage in them?

To manage our time we must be first able to manage ourselves. Above all,…

icon How to cope with mobile phones while speaking in public

You are facing the audience and in the middle of your speech you notice…

icon The biggest feedback mistakes

Merely pointing out the areas in which your subordinates should improve can…

Listing 3108 to 3120 out of 3323